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Design Your Teeth

LUVANTIX 3DMaterials

For the past 30 years, Luvantix Co., Ltd. has been researching and developing photo curable oligomers which are key materials for display film and optical fiber industries in Korea. Spinning-off from Luvantix, 3DMaterials was newly established in 2019 to provide new solutions to the 3D printing industry with a motto “Experience New Approaches in 3D Printing”

3DMaterials develops and produces our own unique photocurable oligomers based on materials science and engineering in the polymers. By lowering cost of materials, shortening time in 3D printing, and eliminating labor-intensive post-processing, these innovations of 3DMaterials enable 3D printing technology to overcome its well-known limitations.

3DMaterials is playing essential roles in expanding 3D printing technology throughout the industries by providing productivity improvement, cost reduction, and user-friendly products development of 3D printing.

Ludent Biocompatible

Based on 30 years of experience in UV curable technologies, 3DMaterials launched the SuperFast Series, which enables the fastest 3D printing in the world, and reduced the printing time from 6 seconds per layer to 0.6 seconds per layer, which is only 1/10 of printing time by conventional technology, and improved 3D printing productivity by more than 300%. ​

LuDent resins provide all necessary key features in Dental 3D Printing; 0.6 sec super-fast printing, 0.35um precision, Class I & II biocompatibilities required by CE & FDA, user-friendly settings, and cost savings in 3D printers and post-curing units.​

LuDent resins are designed for any kinds of LCD 3D printers available in market. LuDent will drastically save the total cost and investment for applying 3D printing technologies to Dentistry. ​